Br. Shubamrita Chaitanya has been a main speaker at the European Youth Summits since 2005. He regularly tours the world, holding public programmes, retreats and courses based on Amma’s teachings and the Integrated Amrita Meditation technique® throughout Europe, India, Middle East, Africa and the Mediterranean region.
One might ask, “What is this this AYUDH movement all about? If we become a part of it, do we have to devote most of our time for spiritual practices? Will we have to stay away from all our extra-curricular activities? Being a member of this group does not mean that we need to change our way of life totally. The objective of the Youth group is to focus on the all-round development of our personality, which also includes fulfilling one’s spiritual needs along with our physical, mental, and intellectual needs. Normally we always neglect our spiritual needs and just focus on the other three. AYUDH tries to make the younger generation aware of the importance of spirituality in one’s day-to-day life, and about the importance of assimilating and putting positive values into practice.
We are not isolated entities in society, but we are all linked to each other like the rings of a chain. Our lives are not meant to be lived just for ourselves. We also need to spend some time for others, trying to reach out to the distressed and the under privileged. One of the objectives of AYUDH is to kindle the attitude of service in the younger generation.
We are also holding awareness camps promoting the importance of loving and respecting Mother Nature. Human beings today have become so selfish that they try to exploit Nature to the maximum, without giving anything in return. In olden days, our ancestors took decisions and performed actions, keeping the coming generations also in mind. But now a days people are not much concerned about what is going to happen to the coming generation. They are just concerned about their own wellbeing. This trend should not continue. The youth of today should be aware of their duties towards nature, and should also spread this awareness amongst others.
I am sure AYUDH will continue to blossom all over the world, spreading the fragrance of love and selflessness in society. Looking forward to your cooperation and support.